Date * Today's date MM DD YYYY Judge & Township * Time Case start time (approx) Hour Minute Second AM PM Court Watcher's Name * First Name Last Name Email * Case # * Property Owner's name (on the docket) Tenant's name Tenant Present * Yes No Attorney with tenant? * Yes No Landlord present? * Yes No Landlord w/attorney * Yes No Was the court proceeding explained to tenant? Yes No Was tenant allowed to speak? Yes No Specifics of situation (unique features of this case, could be a story) Any children living in household? Yes No Not mentioned Number of children (if known) Habitability issues (choose all that apply) Infestation Mold Rodents Electrical Water Security issues Others N/A Reason for eviction Unpaid rent Other (if other reason) If evicted for unpaid rent, how much is owed? Why is tenant behind on rent (if known) Was tenant evicted? * Yes No Possession date MM DD YYYY If not evicted, was case... Continued Dismissed If continued... How long is the continuence? Why continuance granted? Any resources recommended for tenant? What? How long was the hearing? Tenant Age? Young Middle-Aged Senior Tenant's apparent race? White Black Latino Asian Native American Other Tenant Gender Male Female Other Apparent disability? Yes No Court watcher comments/suggestions Thank you court watcher!