Housing instability affects the health and well-being of Indiana children and families as well as the fabric of Hoosier communities. Cost-burdened households struggle to pay for food, utilities, and health care all while facing eviction and homelessness. This lunch-and-learn series will provide you with an understanding of five root causes of housing instability and what you can do increase housing stability in your community.
Register for this series by clicking on the dates below
The How, and What of Housing Stability
Skyrocketing inflation and the limited availability of affordable housing units have left many Hoosiers facing housing instability. This webinar will provide you with a working definition of housing stability as well as a framework to help you and your community address five root causes of housing instability.
The Impact of Housing Counseling Services
Housing counseling is an evidence-based practice to help Hoosiers remain in their homes or achieve homeownership. Whether you work with individuals through Center for Working Families, Family Development Matrix, or Financial Empowerment frameworks, please join us to understand how housing counseling services strengthen housing stability. This webinar will also be a refresher course for housing counselors who want to review specific best practices related to credit repair, rental rights, and budgeting.
Can you make the case for your organization or your community to intentionally strengthen housing stability? This
program will provide you with the data literacy skills to determine what is affecting housing instability in your community and make the case for partnerships to increase housing stability. It will also introduce a data dashboard that will help measure your
success in supporting housing stability.
How to Create Community Partnerships That Build Greater Housing Stability
Cross-sector collaborations are an effective tool that rural, urban, and suburban communities can utilize to break down silos and advance housing stability within their community. From this session, you will understand the Why/How/What of community partnerships and take away best practices to implement in developing partnerships that work.
Policy and Advocacy Solutions to Housing Stability
The Nonprofit Times reports that 80% of nonprofit revenue in the United States comes from government grants or contracts. The impact of policy at the "Big P" and "Small P" levels is real and yet nonprofits hesitate to use the power of advocacy to increase the impact of their work. Join us to learn simple and achievable strategies to increase the power of your work through advocacy.
Lived Experiences in Creating Housing Stability
We often do our work, day-to-day, not knowing the authentic stories of those we serve. The relationship between providers and those experiencing housing instability is a critical component to increasing housing stability and this candid conversation will not only share lived experience stories but practical steps you and your organization can take to strengthen those relationships.