This event sponsored by First Baptist Church of Indianapolis will celebrate honesty and authenticity as we delve into the power of sharing our truths with authors Christa Brown and Sarah Stankorb.
For survivor and advocate Christa Brown, it began with just wanting to tell the truth. But truth-telling has a way of snowballing. Listen in as Christa relays her story, from her memoir Baptistland, of how small step after step she found her voice amidst family dysfunction and a religious culture that harbors abusiveness, and how so much of the work goes on inside as we learn to speak on the outside.
As she relays in her book Disobedient Women, journalist Sarah Stankorb talks about how the internet—its networks, freedom of expression, and resources for deeply researching and reporting on powerful church figures—allowed women to begin dismantling the false authority of evangelical communities that had long demanded their submission.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and empower yourself. Save your spot today!