Homeownership dream dwindling as high mortgage rates are the latest to affect housing prices

This report from Marissa Meador of the Indiana Capital Chronicle, is a great, comprehensive report on the nature of housing in Indiana. Most importantly, it shows that the shortage of accessible housing at every level, effects all Indiana residents.

The problems are multi-faceted, complex, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. It’s easy to blame builders for focusing on large, single-family homes, but they’re in business to make money and those are the easiest and most profitable houses to build. Zoning and NIMBY’ism (Not In My Back Yard) are a huge problem. It’s easy to blame zoning authorities - but they’re just reacting to the sentiments of their constituents.

We must change our thinking and attitudes towards housing. We must first accept that housing is a human right.

Rabbi Aaron Spiegel

Aaron is GIMA’s Executive Director


Surprise! Building More Homes Won’t Solve Our Housing Crisis


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