What big data reveals about modern-day housing segregation
A fascinating look at the reality that discrimination is alive and well in the housing sector. “I do think there is still this kind of idealistic view that if we just get rid of discriminatory real estate agents and landlords, we can get rid of segregation,” Schachter said. “I think it’s much more complicated than that, and our research is just one way of showing that segregation continues to be reflected in how we think about and talk about places and housing.”
The Top 12 Rights of Indiana Tenants
Indiana tenants do not have enough legal rights. Hoosier tenants should have the right to withhold rent if housing conditions are poor, and the right not to be evicted from their homes except when good cause is shown.
Indiana should have much better government enforcement of laws mandating safe, secure housing conditions. Tenants facing eviction should have the right to an attorney and far more time and opportunities to fix problems if they are behind on rent.
Court eviction filings should be confidential immediately. Tenants deserve to be better protected from landlords retaliating against them for reporting bad conditions, and have access to far more truly affordable housing.
Indiana tenants deserve these and many other rights that are enjoyed by tenants in other states and countries. Hopefully, advocacy will lead to those rights being in our laws one day soon. But, until then, tenants in Indiana do have some important rights, which many landlords and others may not be respecting or disclosing when they should.
Judaism and the Homeless
Jewish law demands that everyone have adequate and permanent housing. By Rabbi Jill Jacobs